Dear ESTD Colleagues,

I trust this newsletter finds each of you in good health and spirits. As we reflect on the first trimester of this year, it’s evident that many of us have been immersed in our clinical or academic endeavours.

I am delighted to share the positive feedback we’ve received regarding the recent webinars provided by ESTD. “The Use of Innovative Drugs in the Treatment of (Severe) PTSD: New Findings and Perspectives,” led by Prof. Eric Vermetten and Dr. Anna Harwood-Gross on January 16th, and “Specific Aspects of Countertransference in the Treatment of Dissociative Disorders,” delivered by Prof. Kathy Steele on March 20th, have been particularly well-received.

Furthermore, we have received a plethora of intriguing proposals for workshops and presentations for the upcoming 9th International ESTD Congress in Katowice, Poland. The scientific committee has diligently reviewed these proposals and is in the final stages of completing the program. Additionally, I encourage you to explore the special tours offered by our collaborators before and after the congress. For further details, please visit the congress website:

Many of you were avid followers of our previous Facebook page, but due to recent policy changes implemented by Facebook, all editors had to undergo a reassignment of privileges. Regrettably, despite our efforts, we were unable to retrieve the admin details, resulting in our inability to post new content. As a solution, we have created a new Facebook page: We wholeheartedly encourage you to join this new platform and stay updated with all the latest developments and updates we share via Facebook. Your continued support and engagement are greatly appreciated.

Let me also inform you of the resignation of our Past President from the Board. Regrettably, Raphael Gazon has stepped down from his role due to conflicting responsibilities. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for his dedication and contributions during his tenure. In light of this transition, the Board has decided to initiate an election for a new Board member. We seek a candidate who has previously collaborated with the Board and shares a profound commitment to our organisation’s mission. The ideal candidate should be a distinguished clinician with extensive experience in the assessment and treatment of trauma-related disorders or possess expertise in research and teaching within this field. As stipulated by our association’s bylaws, only full members in good standing are eligible to run for elections. I urge all eligible members to consider nominating themselves for this important role.

I trust you’ll find this issue of the Newsletter both informative and engaging.

Warm regards,

Igor J. Pietkiewicz, President, ESTD