ESTD Country representatives
Country representative are members of our Society, who are eager to make personal contribution into fulfilling the mission of ESTD in their local area. Preferably, they are health professionals or academics with certain reputation and impact in their local community.
This document outlines their key responsibilities, example tasks and privileges.
1. Maintaining communication with the Board
- CR are consulted by the Board about local events and affairs, and are asked for feedback about strategic plans to be executed;
- CR maintain contact the Board committees (e.g. Membership, Education, Conference, Scientific, Communication & marketing) and discuss plans and activities supported by them on the local level;
- CR receive first-hand information about plans or decisions of the Board, and pass them on to local members;
- CR submit information to the Board by filling in an annual survey on how ESTD mission has been carried out locally.
2. Supporting organisation of local activities
- CR may organise or support the organisation of local events, such as open lectures, conferences;
- CR maintain collaboration with the ESTD Education committee and Mentors to aid the implementation of the training and certification policy;
- CR can apply for support in carrying out activities agreed with the Board (e.g., reimbursement of travel expenses of Mentors supporting ESTD mission);
- CR help develop and sustain local professional network by promoting ESTD and encouraging professional to enrol.
3. Sharing data
- CR receive access to personal data about local members, including their names, contact information and current ESTD status;
- CR have signed a cooperative agreement with the ESTD and declare to keep all data shared with them confidential;
4. Nomination
- ESTD members who want to make a particular contribution into the ESTD mission at their country level can contact the board and discuss how they can cooperate and be supported by the Board in fulfilling these tasks. When justified, they may apply to become appointed a country representative.
- An ESTD member can also be nominated by a local group to represent them and ESTD. Subsequently, the Board may accept them or decline.
- Country representatives can resign from their function or be dismissed by the Board if, for any reason, they are unable to fulfil their tasks.
- When it is justified, more than one country representatives can be selected for a particular region.
List of country representatives who are active ESTD members:
Igor Pietkiewicz
Dr hab. Igor Pietkiewicz, prof AIK – Kierownik Centrum Badań nad Traumą i Dysocjacją przy Uniwersytecie Ignatianum w Krakowie, certyfikowany psychoterapeuta i superwizor SNP PTP, posiada certyfikat Practitioner i Consultant EMDR Europe.
Radoslaw Tomalski
lekarz psychiatra, certyfikowany psychoterapeuta i superwizor SNP PTP, posiada certyfikat Practitioner i Consultant EMDR Europe.
Suzana Guedes
Doutora Suzana Guedes é Psicóloga Clínica e Especialista Avançada em Psicoterapia, certificada pela Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses. Doutorada em Psicologia pela Universidade de Huelva, conta com mais de vinte anos de experiência clínica, dez dos quais na área do trauma, trauma complexo e transtornos dissociativos em contexto clínico e hospitalar privados, com uma ampla formação na área. É Supervisora em EMDR pela EMDR Portugal e EMDR Europa. É membro do Board da AEMDR Portugal desde 2018 e formadora no Curso de Especialização em Psicoterapia EMDR da mesma associação. É representante de Portugal na ESTD e membro do Board desde 2019.