Below we present the currently operating committees within the association, which may include Board members supervising the work of the committee, and other invited professionals who are ESTD members.
- Governance
- Finance
- Education
- Research Committee
- Child and Adolescent
- Certification
- Ethical
- Communication
- Newsletter
- Convenes ESTD Board conference calls
- Maintains and distribute meeting minutes
- Helps draft motions and monitors the voting procedures
- Archives and publishes ESTD board decisions
- Reviews and suggests revision to ESTD’s bylaws
- Plans and arranges the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and its agenda
- Plans and arranges elections for new Board members
- Collaborates with representatives of other associations on cooperation with ESTD.
- Processes with the treasurer new applications for ESTD membership
- Manages responses to inquiries by the general public and ESTD membership
- Supporting financial controls by organising sub-committees from the general membership or a volunteer accountant or business person controller to yearly review and supervise accounting and financial reporting within the ESTD, according to the Dutch law.
- Collaborate and support sub committees, including a board representative on each sub committee
Committee composition:
- Igor Pietkiewicz (ESTD President)
- Paola Boldrini ESTD President elect)
- Desiree Tijdink (ESTD Treasurer)
- Claire Harrison-Breed (ESTD Secretary)
- Preparing financial reports and statistics for the ESTD Board and Annual General Assembly, including an annual financial statement, membership dues.
- Developing a proposal for the ESTD annual budget.
- Recommending financial goals and policies that support the financial stability and growth of the ESTD, including main financial decisions about ESTD conferences.
- Providing advice on financial aspects of major expenses such as the bi-annual meeting and new proposed programs.
- Monitoring and maintaining ESTD’s financial transactions and bank statements.
Committee composition:
- Desiree Tijdink (ESTD Treasurer)
- Barbara Puchalska (ESTD Board Assistant)
- Paul Schmitz (ESTD Accountant)
- Promoting the development and dissemination of professional knowledge about trauma and dissociation, especially in relation to diagnosing and the treatment of trauma-related disorders.
- Maintaining collaboration with ESTD Country Representatives in planning and promoting educational events for professionals.
- Co-ordinating international collaboration with ESTD mentors and supporting them in providing international education in trauma and dissociation fields.
- Updating and publishing the list of mentors on the website, and proceeding applications from clinicians and academics who apply to be ESTD mentors.
- Verifying and updating educational resources (videos, presentations, interviews etc) and making them available for members or the general public. Supporting the translation/subtitling of educational materials into different languages.
Committee composition:
- Maria Paola Boldrini (Chair of the Education Committee, President Elect)
- Suzana Guedes
- Sandra Baita
- Jan Gysi
- Supporting collaboration between researchers in the field of trauma and dissociation by disseminating information about ongoing studies, organising webinars and events.
- Maintaining a Facebook group for early-career researchers.
- Commenting on research proposals (which could be at an early stage) and making recommendations for the researchers.
- Providing information about current research projects for the Newsletter Committee and Communications Committee.
- Supporting the Educational Committee in evaluating papers submitted for annual awards.
Committee composition:
- Ellen K. K. Jepsen (Chair of the Research Committee)
- Lise Møller
- Matteo Cavalletti
- Anca-Livia Panfil
- Raising the profile in the ESTD (including its website) of children and adolescents suffering from trauma and dissociation.
- Promoting the knowledge and understanding of trauma and dissociation in children and adolescents by providing the relevant information to professionals and lay people working with these children. This will include parents, teachers, mental health professionals, foster carers and adoptive parents.
- Providing training and education about the presentation, diagnosis and treatment of trauma and dissociation in children and adolescents to therapists responsible for the therapy of these children.
- Providing and adapting existing information and training to be more suitable to the child population of Europe in order to enable professionals to provide more effective services.
- Ensuring that child and adolescent dissociation is getting a voice on ESTD international conferences and the ESTD website.
Committee composition:
- Renée P. Marks (Chair of the Child & Adolescent Committee)
- Claire Harrison-Breed (ESTD Secretary)
- Anca sabau
- Arianne Struik
- Alessia Tomba
- Doris Nilsson
- Preparing a database of questions for the knowledge test for ESTD Certificate applicants in collaboration with ESTD clinical mentors;
- Supervising the creation of knowledge test in different language versions for ESTD Certificate applicants;
- Processing of the applications from members or mentors applying for ESTD Certificate
- Organising and supervising test sessions
- Issuing of the ESTD Certificates
- Developing and updating the database of ESTD Certificate holders with contact information for the referral system
- Investigating complaints about the certification programme
- Awarding ESTD Certificates
Committee composition:
- Igor Pietkiewicz (Chair of the Certification Committee, ESTD President)
- Paola Boldrini (President Elect)
- Radosław Tomalski (ESTD Country Representative for Poland)
- Investigating complaints about ESTD Certification holders
- Taking actions against any unprofessional behaviour of ESTD Certificate holders.
Committee composition:
- Jan Gysi (Chair of the Ethical Committee)
- Suzette Boon
- Eli Somer
- Developing, updating and monitoring communications policies, social networking accounts, and electronic discussion groups, as well as recommending new ways to communicate with its members and other interested parties through alternative media.
- Regularly updating information about the activity of the Board and the Society and promoting activities using the ESTD website and social media, and reacting to posts and enquiries.
- Supporting other committees in organising events,
- Making public statements and announcements.
Committee composition:
- Igor Pietkiewicz (ESTD President)
- Barbara Puchalska (ESTD Board Assistant)
- Raphaël Gazon (ESTD Past President)
- Suzana Guedes (ESTD Board member)
- Making calls and collecting material for ESTD newsletters
- Editing newsletter articles, reviews
- Publishing ESTD newsletter three times a year
Committee composition:
- Doloroes Mosquera (Chair of the Newsletter committee)
- Onno van der Hart