ESTD online introductory courses

(free for members)

ESTD webinars

ESTD is pleased to present a series of highly scientific and educational webinars on the diagnosis of trauma-related and dissociative disorders.
Over the past two years, we have asked leading experts in our field to update us on their work and present it to our members. We invite you to browse through the index of contributions and read which important speakers participated. This series of webinars is not to be missed!

Trauma, Dissociation and Attachment: An Analysis of Key Concepts and their Relationships

This introductory webinar by Andrew Moskowitz is entitled Trauma, Dissociation and Attachment: An Analysis of Key Concepts and their Relationships. The purpose of this webinar is to explore the meaning and usefulness of the concepts trauma and dissociation, trace shifts in their meanings and usage from the 19th century to today, and propose some guidelines as to how best to understand them. The concept of attachment is also discussed, with particular reference to the relation of disorganized attachment to dissociation. 

Andrew Moskowitz, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at Touro College Berlin, and editor of the book Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation. He can be reached at