The 9th International ESTD Congress in Katowice, Poland

Recordings of the pre-conference workshops for non members of ESTD

Anabel Gonzalez

Languages: 🇬🇧  🇵🇱

Pre-conference Workshop: Progressive approach to the treatment of complex dissociation with EMDR


35(€) /90 days

Nel Draijer

Languages: 🇬🇧

Pre-conference Workshop: Severe trauma related disorders (did, c-ptsd, bpd), their diagnosis and an object-relational approach to their problematic (counter) transference

35(€) /90 days

Sandra Baita

Languages: 🇬🇧  🇵🇱

Pre-conference Workshop: Imaginary friends, fantasy and play. How to differentiate normal developmental phenomena versus trauma-related dissociation?

35(€) /90 days

Bethany Brand

Languages: 🇬🇧  🇵🇱

Pre-conference Workshop: Guiding Dissociative Clients to Find Solid Ground: The Conceptualization, Videos, and Exercises

35(€) /90 days

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Recordings of the entire congress are available for ESTD members only.

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