Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members of ESTD,

Many of you are probably still enjoying summer holidays or are back home after taking time off to recharge your batteries. Some of us are still looking forward to some travelling or enjoying quiet time away from daily responsibilities. I hope this newsletter will give everyone an opportunity to get an update about what has happened recently, potential ideas about the events you might like to participate in, and provide interesting information related to our field.

Hopefully, you will have had an opportunity to see our new web design and login to the members area. The new system has helped us streamline administration, monitor statistics, and verify membership status of people trying to get a discount for our new congress ( using their personalised ESTD_ID. Some sections of the new website, e.g., country pages and library, are still being updated by our assistant in collaboration with country representatives. In the coming weeks, we will put effort into updating and developing our privacy and data security policy so it is consistent with European regulations.

One of the greatest recent achievements was the positive assessment of the European Journal for Trauma and Dissociation, which has received an impact factor of 2.1. Let me express my heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to Cyril Tarquinio (Editor-in-chief), and his team of associate editors, for the years of hard work that made this success possible. Due to obtaining an impact factor, we can expect an increase in the number of submitted articles. This will inevitably require more work on the part of editors and reviewers.
However, this will make our Society even more noticeable among scientists and clinicians.

I would also like to draw your attention to a new series of free webinars for early career researchers who will share their ideas for developing a new research project or discuss ongoing studies and their findings. They will have an opportunity to receive feedback from the audience, including ESTD mentors.

Enjoy this issue of the Newsletter!
Igor J. Pietkiewicz
President, ESTD